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Underwater Photographer


Underwater photography is my absolute passion in life.  As soon as I was certified to dive, I had a camera in my hand non-stop and have worked very hard to hone my skill and create amazing images to share with the world.   


Since I was young, I've always been an artist, even entering many contests for projects like the Los Angeles Marathon, which I was honored with a 2nd place award for, at only 15 years old.  My Mom was a photographer, but unfortunately, I didn't have much interest in it until I found the underwater world.  I feel compelled to bring back images to show those who can't experience it for themselves.  I love looking at an image and remembering the exact moment and how it felt.  It's truly another world for me, one in which I can fly, be free and have new experiences on every dive.  


I really enjoy traveling the world, taking photographs of everything from shipwrecks to sharks, to the smallest of nudibranchs.  I can't really decide whether I prefer wide angle or macro because all the images I take have a story to tell, no matter their size.


I hope you enjoy my site showcasing some of my photography.  My images are for sale and if you would like a print or would like to discuss my work for your future project, please feel free to contact me at

© Copyright images owned by Janice Carter & Scuba Chick Photography.

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