Ever since I got certified to dive I have enjoyed taking photographs underwater. I started wth a point shoot camera and quickly realized that was not keeping up with the quality I wanted. I upgraded my camera system to a Nikon D7000 with Sea & Sea housing and strobes and have been having a blast ever since.
I'm now a professional diver, holding certificates as a PADI Divemaster, PADI Rescue Diver and SSI Rebreather diver. I volunteer as Communications Director for a local dive club (2 years) and for the SHARK (Sheriff's High Adventure for Responsible Kids) program. I love helping new students learn scuba in class and helping people learn how to improve their underwater photograhy skills. Basically, my entire life revolves around scuba.
I've been lucky to have traveled many places around the world to dive and take photos. My favorite place that I've been is Yap (Micronesia). The diving is fantastic with crystal blue waters full of incredible sharks, and on land, the people and culture can't help but seep into your soul. What a beautiful place in every way!
My favorite dives usually consist of sharks, wrecks or caverns. There are great stories to be told about each of them. I am very passionate about shark conservation and showing the world they are not the vicious killers they are assumed to be. I hope to make a difference!